Caroline William Has bagged Asia's Helping Hand Award

Caroline William Has bagged Asia's Helping Hand Award

“More Blessed to Give than to Receive"

I hailed from a remote rural area from East Malaysia, in a family of five with my father being the sole bread-winner.  Life in the younger days were bitter-sweet, though a loving and memorable one.  I was in a constant struggle to juggle my study and as part timer worker waiting tables and being a sales promoter.  Nevertheless, these hardships did not deter my determination to strive because I firmly believed education can overcome poverty someday.

This  echoed with my father’s effort who trusts that, a good education and conscientious attitude shall be the springboard for me to start off my life in the right framework. 

At a young tender age, under my father's encouragement, I took every opportunity available to participate in school extra-curriculum,  actively involved in church’s outreach programs, as well as volunteering in various charitable organizations.  My father instilled in me through words and actions, to live out  “ doing small things with Great Love", one of the greatest quote from Saint Mother Theresa of  Calcutta (1910 – 1997).

My quest to spring out of poverty through education and good attitude expanded into adulthood, as well as  beyond my family life.  As a firm believer of life-long learning,   I expanded my learning repertoire not limiting to  academic,  but on various topic of interests, from fashion, image consultancy, entrepreneurship, volunteer management ... and my latest quest in completing Professional Certificate In Woman Empowerment Program (Women Empowerment With Grace) from Lincoln Professional Academy, Malaysia under the purview of Lincoln University College, Malaysia.   

I just completed my Master in Business Administration from Genovasi University Malaysia in 2023.

As a woman, attaining financial freedom not only fuels self-empowerment,  but it is also an expression of self-worth.  My early employment in sales had somehow cultivated a sense of acumen in doing business.  I started my investment early, concurrently at  the start of my career. Now, it graduated into entrepreneurship.  I am blessed where now, ends are met with abundance of some degree to be put into good use.  In the past, I was blessed with benefactors who had helped me in my affliction.  Now, its the time for me to “Pay it Forward".    My motto is “always don’t wait until you are rich to be charitable, but be charitable until you become rich”.  I had been making consistent sum as donations to help the organization or individual in need, or to endorse sponsorship to event or activities of various NGOs in my country. 

I am the current July 2023-2024 term “Ambassador of Borneo" for  “Inspiring and Advocating for The Women Empowerment Program" nominated by Elegance Image and Etiquette Sdn Bhd.  Beside monetary support, I volunteered to serve as guest speakers to share insights on self-empowerment to women especially single parent or under privileged family. 

I am pleasantly surprised and yet equally excited to have been chosen as recipient of “Asia Helping Hand Award 2023/24” by Asia Award, in collaboration with World Research Congress. This award is an astounding accolade I could receive in recognition to my minute charitable works.  All Glory to the Almighty Jesus  Christ, my parents , my beloved family near and far, my friends who had been with me through thick or thin, my  charity teammates, and last but not least, my life coach Ms Elaine Kwan, Founder of Elegance Image and Etiquette Sdn Bhd. 

I have weathered storms, celebrated victories and navigated a path that is uniquely mine to embrace.  This award would definitely one of those victories I would have cherished.  Through this recognition, I hope I can inspire more charitable deeds from people around me, to help those who are in needs, though small but with great love and love your neighbour as yourself.

It is “More blessed to give than to receive" (Acts 20:35)

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