Prof Er Ts Dr Santharasekaran al Subramaniam has bagged Asia's Nobel Professor Award

Prof Er Ts Dr Santharasekaran al Subramaniam has bagged Asia's Nobel Professor Award

Prof Er Ts Dr Santharasekaran a/l Subramaniam is an environmental activist in Malaysia and internationally. He is the founder and president of the Environmental Conservation Association of Malaysia & Asia Pacific. He is also ‘Chief Ranger’ for ‘Environmental Conservation Ranger of Malaysia’, leading many children and adults in environmental activities.

He is also involved in efforts to develop ‘Environmental Education’ in Malaysia and on the world stage so that every human being can embody and practice the norms of life based on environmental sustainability in this world. Only through education can we realize the desire to preserve nature continuously. He looked forward to inspiration where many clever people would exist in the world yet many did not appreciate nature due to feelings of ego, laziness, and greed.

Therefore, exposure to the concept of environmental sustainability should be taught in every school starting from pre-school so that the next generation is a generation that is concerned about environmental sustainability. He is also a ‘Malayan Tiger’ activist in Malaysia and on the world stage and even a key figure in growing ‘Rudhraksh Trees’ in Malaysia. He is also an expert in the field of innovation internationally and provides various platforms for ‘Green Innovation’ competitions for all regardless of age on the world stage.

Also, he is the founder of 1st ‘International Rudhraksh Day’, 1st ‘World Tree Caring Day’ and 1st World Environmental Appreciation Day’ and ‘Re-Tree Malaysia’.  In fact, he is also a people oriented leader who looks after the welfare of the needy as the president of the Malaysian Indian People Party. He also mastered the knowledge of the Hindu religion and hoped that the children of the nation would continue to progress with the values ??of the Hindu religion for the common good and holding the position as president of the religious association in ‘SaraswathyBrahma VidhyaDharma Sangam’.  His simple word of wisdom is “If you Care The Nature …The Nature Will Care You’!

Prof Er Ts Dr Santharasekaran al Subramaniam has bagged Asia's Nobel Professor Award

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